Anesthesiology 2007

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US. We are having a Thanksgiving dinner of sorts this week as an English friend here is putting one on for his American friends. Jay wasn’t so churlish as to point out that Canadian Thanksgiving is not this week.

Winter started with some promising rains, but now it looks like we will have another “unusually” dry year. Now there have been eleven dry years in a row in Victoria it’s stretching the meaning of “unusually”. Certainly climate change has become a serious political issue here as a result.


Jay and I have taken Saxon to the beach a few times as the weather has started to get warmer. As he is now a young adult rather than a teenager, he is less interested in endlessly running after the ball at the beach, but he still enjoys a swim and trying to make other dogs chase after him. Here you can see that his focus is entirely on the treat rather than Mum or Jay.


At the start of October I went to San Francisco for the American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting. I am required to collect a certain amount of continuing medical education time both by ANZCA in Australia and by the Medical Board of California so this was a good opportunity to do both and also to see friends. It is a big conference, occupying all of the Moscone Center, and San Francisco welcomed us with banners on the streets (here on Fifth Street).


I had organized to stay with Joel and Sam in the Castro and I saw a lot of old friends, many of them I just bumped into at the gym or in the street. Jerry was training for a triathlon in Australia later this year so I hope we will see him again soon. I enjoyed seeing Kelvan and also Richard and Alfredo.


I went to San Francisco via Los Angeles and on the way back I stopped to visit Jay’s sister’s family in Burbank. Here his nephew Fraser is choosing a cupcake with round sprinkles at Porto’s Bakery. Their cakes were excellent. Scott and Richelle looked after me very well during my short stay.


I was lucky that Billy was in Los Angeles for work so I had the opportunity to go with him and the dogs for a walk at Runyon Canyon at sunset. The views of the city were striking; it made LA look almost pretty. This was some compensation for the embarrassment of falling down on the slippery gravel path close to where this picture was taken. Jay didn’t come for this trip as it was brief and so soon after our European trip and we are saving his vacation time for a real holiday.


A week after I got back, Jim came from Sydney to stay with us for Melbourne Cup weekend. We didn’t go to the races, but instead went out dancing and also took him to the newly opened observation deck at Eureka Tower, which is considerably higher than the Rialto observation deck I visited with Billy two years previously.

Jay and I have been looking seriously for a new place to live for a few months now and we have narrowed the search in terms of location and size so that we hope to be in a new place early next year. This has been occupying a lot of our weekends and it will be a pleasure to have them back again.

This coming Saturday is the federal election in Australia and it looks as though for the first time in 11 years there is a chance of a change in government. I am working all weekend so I voted early. With the election and planning for family Christmas and maybe a trip away for New Year, we have a lot to work on at the moment.

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