Early Winter Getaway

Mardi Gras was a little more low-key for us this year as we were not participating the in the parade. We had a chance to catch up with our friend Jim before he moved to the US with his new boyfriend. The festivities were fun, but the Toybox event at Luna Park seemed to be running out of new ideas. Even so we had a good time dancing with friends both local and foreign.

The following weekend was the IFBB Pro Show in Melbourne. Since we changed gym at the start of the year we were training at the "host" gym for the event, so we got to meet a few of the competitors who had travelled to Australia for it. We weren't able to go to the show itself as it coincided with my cousin Craig's wedding which was two hours drive from Melbourne.

Craig and his fiancée Meg had returned from living in the UK to get married and settle in Australia. This was my first family wedding for some time. We travelled to Foster in Gippsland for the event which was on Meg's family's property.


Despite the 10 years or more of drought conditions here, this particular weekend featured storms and torrential rain. This meant the bushland setting planned for the wedding couldn't be used and instead we had to squeeze into the house. The reception was in a large marquee which billowed and shifted in the wind. Lightning struck during the speeches and the electricity went out, but we all had a good time. It was certainly a memorable event.

Back in Melbourne I received a phone call to let me know I had won the Bushfire Fundraising raffle at the IFBB Show, having bought tickets at the gym a few days before. I went in to receive my prize pack and Jay and I have spent some time trying all the weird supplements the sponsors threw in.


I turned 39 in March. I had a quiet birthday with family, but I'll have to think of something bigger for next year. We went out for drinks with friends in the evening, but it was a Sunday night and I had work the next day. Despite the economic downturn we have both been lucky to remain very busy with work: the demand for anaesthesia remains consistent and for videogames is strong. Jay's company was pleased to be featured in the top-100 bankable videogame development studios.


We have made further progress with the house. The leaks are fixed and the plastering has been done so we have an intact ceiling in the living room again. The replacement of the wall on the deck with a steel railing is halfway done and the new bannisters are also being done. We got some blinds and window tinting done as well. I had a motivation to get the spare room sorted out with a rug and chest of drawers as our friend Michael will be staying soon while he waits for his house to be ready.


The Argonauts hosted a regatta in mid-April. I agreed to row in the mixed eight (four men and four women). We hadn't practiced as a crew beforehand and in the picture we are discussing who is going to sit where. The preparation was evident in our performance and we did not win, but it was a fun day.


At the end of April I had a conference in Cairns. Jay came along for a long weekend away and had a relaxing time by the pool. We went hot air ballooning in Mareeba, inland from Cairns.


The trip started well before dawn so we could take off at first light. By the time we landed and packed up the balloons it was time for champagne and breakfast before I got back to the conference for the second morning session.


Jay also visited Kuranda. We did not go to the reef this time as we had gone the last two times we visited North Queensland.


Following the trip to Cairns we had a weekend trip to Nagambie with the rowing club. It was for two days of training as well as being a social trip. North of the mountains the weather was clear and sunny and the conditions for rowing were excellent. The club provided the food and organized accommodation and so we had quite a fun weekend. We both had some blisters to show for it after several sessions of rowing.


Winter is well underway now and we are not far from the shortest day, so it's almost possible to look forward to longer days again and the beginning of spring. We also need to plan a proper holiday to provide some cheer during this part of the year.

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