One Year in the New House

Pink toured Australia in August and September and played 17 concerts in Melbourne. We went to the second last night and though we bought tickets quite late we were pleased to be in the front row, though at the side. It was a good concert but very tightly choreographed and staged.


To mix things up at the gym, I have started training once a week with a trainer. Since changing gyms when we moved house we have made a few new friends at the gym, and Jay got to go backstage at the IFBB Vics with a friend, Murray, who was competing. Al, with whom I'm training, won his division at this show. Unfortunately I couldn't go as I was at the ASA Conference.


September brought the AFL finals to Melbourne. Our friend Daniel had never been to the MCG before so we took him to one of the finals, together with my sister. The game was Geelong versus the Western Bulldogs.


It wasn't a completely full house, but Daniel got a feel for the finals games and decided he wanted to be an MCC member so he could go to the games. Unfortunately the wait time for membership is about 15 years.


We have been in the new house for almost a year, but since we had finally had all the leaks fixed and the plastering and repainting done so that the living room looked finished, it was time for housewarming drinks. I forgot to take any pictures, but fortunately Julian took a few.


The spare room was also fully furnished and the little garden outside had some plants in it, which was good since our friend Michael came to stay. He was waiting for his place nearby to be available and it had taken longer than expected. While he was staying with us, Michael test-drove an M3 convertible which was fun. There was room in the garage because we decided to sell Jay's car since it was being driven less than once a month. Since moving to the new house I have been walking to work most days and Jay has been taking the tram which stops at the end of our street.


Our friends Tuong and Simon recently returned from California with their newborn twins, Nathan and Riley. We have been to visit a few times while they have been taking turns with feeds every three hours. Simon has taken time off work, but Tuong is back at St Vincent's. Despite being a Catholic hospital, the Anaesthesia Department was completely okay with him taking paternity leave.


At the end of October I attended the American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting. Last time I went was in 2007 in San Francisco, but this year it was in New Orleans. The meeting was excellent with a very useful program. I was not so enthusiastic about New Orleans which was interesting to see but I doubt I'll visit there for a vacation. On the way back I stayed for a couple of days with Jay's sister's family in Burbank where the weather was reminiscent of the "new" weather in Melbourne where we are in our 13th year of drought.


The Australian dollar had appreciated from 60c to 90c US over the course of the year, so there was a good opportunity to shop for some clothes and a copy of Windows 7 for Jay while I was there. While in the US I missed two training sessions with my crew for the Head of the Yarra race in November where I am rowing 5 seat in the Argonauts mixed crew. At least I will still be better prepared than I was last year when I joined the crew with three days notice.

The year has gone by very quickly and we need to start making plans for Christmas and the New Year. This year we will be in Melbourne for Christmas with my family but our other plans are not yet made.

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