
January 29, 1999. I dragged my
boyfriend of five weeks to the Annual Dinner of the St Vincent's Hospital Department of Anaesthesia where I was working. Dolf, Robert's housemate, took this picture before we left.


February 7th, 1999.
Robert and I went to the Midsumma Carnival in the Alexandra Gardens. I had worked overnight, so I was a bit tired and didn't go in the lube-wrestling. The blue dot on Robert's shoulder indicates that we had paid admission. No I am not wearing the same top as the previous year.


February 1999. I was walking back to the "pansy patch" at Prahran Pool when Robert took this picture. All that training and eating well before the
Mardi Gras Parade seemed to be working.


February 21st, 1999. I arrived late for the final rehearsal of the Melbourne Marching Boys. We participated in the
Mardi Gras Parade in Sydney the following weekend. It was quite a buzz performing for a crowd estimated at 600,000. It was covered on TV and I have saved the clip.


June 27th, 1999. On a cool but sunny Winter morning we had brunch with Attila (in the purple shirt) at Jackie-O in St Kilda. I was working with Attila at the
Royal Children's Hospital at the time; he's another anaesthetic registrar.


October 3rd, 1999. We went to Sydney for
Sleaze Ball and stayed at the Kirkton Hotel (very chic). This is a reflection in the headboard of the bed.


December 3rd, 1999. The previous day on the way home from work at the Mercy Private Hospital in East Melbourne I went over the handlebars of my bicycle. It was just carelessness, but turned out to be very expensive in time, pain and hospital fees. I broke my left femur (thigh bone) but my
PowerBook and Palm Pilot survived intact in my backpack. The fracture was repaired with a compression screw and plate by Gerard Powell at the MPH the following day. This is a screening film from the surgery which I have annotated.


December 31st, 1999. I was in bed for 24 hours after the surgery and on crutches for six weeks. Fortunately I had already bought tickets to the
Sin Millenium NYE party so I got couldn't waste them. Here we are about to leave for the party. From left: Loni, Andrew, me, Robert and Keith. I got by on one crutch for most of the party, so I was able to dance.

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