January 7th, 1996. I went to Sydney to meet
Michael Rolt. This picture was taken by a police officer in Hyde Park on Sunday morning. We were both rather hung-over.


January 7th, 1996. I had been to Sydney to meet Michael Rolt. After his flight left for Hong Kong, I spent the afternoon sitting on
Manly Beach, which is an interesting ferry ride from Circular Quay.


June 1st, 1996. For the first day of Winter I went for a swim with some of the medical students who were at
Warrnambool Base Hospital where I was working. The Southern Ocean is quite cold in June. That's Brett, one of the students, in the background. Logan's Beach is a favourite place for whale-watching later in Winter as the whales come in very close to the beach to give birth.


December 25th, 1996. The Christmas ward-round at
St Vincent's Hospital involves the residents and registrars in costume. I was The Phantom this time. The previous year I was Carmen Miranda.

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