Beach weather

I had left January fairly quiet with work, which was fortunate as the Summer was pleasant and mild and I also had quite a few tasks to get underway for my mother’s estate.


By chance my cousin Elizabeth came through Melbourne with her family on the way to catch the ferry to Tasmania for a vacation. We arranged to meet for lunch at Sandbar in Middle Park. It was great to see little Henry for the first time in person. Melbourne managed some fair beach weather for the occasion after heavy rains the previous few days had washed so much sediment into the bay that the waves at the beach were brown.


We were supporters of Midsumma again this year and went to several of the events with friends. Carnival we spent with Ivan, Tatts, Chris and Aaron, leaving them to dance into the evening when we went home about 6pm. The crowd at Carnival was the largest in years. We also went to the burlesque circus arts event at Gasworks.


The pool party has been a perennial favourite and for once I wasn’t on call for the day so didn’t have to keep the phone with me at all times. The free swimwear that AussieBum was giving away was actually good for wearing at the beach later in the Summer.


There was a queer Night at the Museum which included some natural history talks from subject matter experts. We were guided to the door at closing time after getting caught up looking at some of the mechanical models I hadn’t seen since the 80s.


The final Midsumma event we attended was the Victoria’s Pride day in Collingwood, a short walk from our house. This was a very successful event again, with big crowds in the streets and lots of unexpected familiar faces including some from the hospital.


During January we also spent an evening at the Australian Open and a weekend at Sorrento. My sister has also been spending a lot more time there now that we aren’t constrained by being at my mother’s nursing home regularly.


My previous trainer at the gym had moved elsewhere in September and I was keen to find a new trainer, so I started doing regular sessions with Jordy Bichler once a week. He has been good so far and we will try doing a “prep” for going away in June just as I did last year before vacation.


At the start of March we went to Sydney for Mardi Gras. After World Pride was hosted there last year, the crowds were much smaller this year and we had a quieter weekend than last year. We went on a boat ride on the harbour on Sunday afternoon and were excited to see Ty, visiting from Canada, whom we hadn't seen since he was living in Melbourne years ago. We went to a Sunday night party before returning to Melbourne on Monday in a bit of a rush thanks to Virgin Australia bringing our flight forward by an hour with little notice.


After Mardi Gras, Jay went to the GDC conference in San Francisco for a week. He presented a talk on some of the work his team has been doing within EA, and had a couple of days free to see Derek and also to visit Joel and Sam and his sister’s family in Palo Alto. While he was away, I occupied myself with the Lego Titanic my sister had given us at Christmas.


Jay was back in time for my birthday on the Easter Weekend. We went to dinner at Jackalope and then spent the rest of the weekend at the beach. By Monday Summer seemed finally to be completely over as heavy rain set in for a few days.


We went to the NGV Triennial on its final weekend, and now we have only 8 weeks until we leave to visit friends and family in Canada and ride the Rocky Mountaineer.

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