
January 2000. A photo I took at arm's length in the bathroom at home turned out very well.


January 16, 2000. Robert's birthday lunch at
Donovan's in St Kilda. Robert's mother Shirley was visiting from Queensland and his friend Cath from Sydney. From left: Geoff (my father), Cath, Robert, me looking unusually brown, Marie (my mother) and Shirley.


March 25, 2000. My 30th birthday was celebrated with a dinner at
Roberto's in Melbourne. Here we are on the stairs on the way home. Robert and I are in front. Behind from left to right are Ken, Greg, Keith, Christine, Andrew, Alistair, Paul and another Keith.


March 12, 2000. I went to Sorrento for the long weekend with Robert. Greg and Al came to stay. This is Robert at the front beach.


April 29, 2000. We
climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge, going up at dusk and coming down in full darkness. The grey climbing gear is designed to prevent distraction of motorists on the bridge. The belts clip onto a safety wire so no one can fall into the harbour.


Robert's mother Shirley sent us this photo of herself. She lives on the Gold Coast in Queensland.


September 2000. We visited the US for a holiday. This is me sitting in Mission Dolores Park with a view of San Francisco in the background. For more pictures of the trip, see the
US holiday page.


December 25, 2000. We went to my parents' house for Christmas lunch. I was working nights so was a bit tired. Robert's mother Shirley was staying with us over the Christmas period. From left: Papa, Uncle John, Nanna, my father, Robert and Shirley. Mum ducked out of the photo.

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