Back from a Break

It's been seven months since the last e-mail; it doesn't seem that long and I'm a little surprised now that I count the months. I hadn't written anything in that time largely because there wasn't much cheerful to write and I know it's not much fun reading about other people's problems.

There are particular life changes which are said to be associated with a high degree of stress and risk of relationship failure, among them moving to another country, moving house and changing job. This does seem to be true and despite a lengthy period of counselling, Robert and I have separated. I have had a subdued year so far, living alone in East Melbourne, looking after Saxon and seeing quite a lot of Jay, who moved to his own apartment in December.


Saxon turned one in March and continues to be well-behaved and friendly. He enjoys chasing a tennis ball in the park most days but only if there are no other dogs or people to meet, which is his preferred activity. While I am at work he is often taken out by Mum or Robert or else goes to daycare (for dogs).


I celebrated the first anniversary of returning to Melbourne with Pride March in St Kilda. Again I marched with the MCV newspaper group, as did Jay. Andrew and Keith who run the paper are old friends. It's a very low-key affair compared with San Francisco and New York Pride marches.


For the month of March one of my former trainees from UCSF Anesthesia, Kristina Sullivan, visited for her month's "elective" to experience anaesthesia work in Melbourne. She stayed with me when her hectic touring schedule allowed. She managed to visit Sydney, Tasmania and Far North Queensland on consecutive weekends. Here we are on her last day when we drove along the Great Ocean Road and saw the Twelve Apostles rock formation.

I also received my California Medical License at the end of March. While at UCSF I had a temporary licence but as I had passed the required exams and accumulated enough experience, I started the application for a full licence shortly after returning to Australia. The actual diploma when it arrived was something of a surprise: it was printed with the state seal of California upside-down. I don't know if this was an intentional reference to my residence "down-under" or just carelessness.


My friends Ross and Belinda Carne had twins in January: Tom and Jemima. Jay and I visited them in April once they had a chance to get into a routine at home. Here we are holding the babies. I have Jemima and he has Tom.


In May the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists held their annual conference at the Aotea Centre in Auckland. This is the conference centre with the inexplicable craft market/dance area in front. Since I had won an airfare to go there at the September 2004 conference I attended in Sydney, there was no reason not to go. It was good to have dinner with friends Jianni and Ian whom I had not seen for a long time and also to meet up with Joel whom I had met at Mardi Gras in March.

My plans for the rest of the year are still unmade. I have been preparing some video material for a historical display in July for the St Vincent's Department of Anaesthesia 50th Jubilee and getting some clinical research underway which has been even more time-consuming than I had anticipated.

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