Return to Australia

We went to Los Angeles for New Year's Eve and spent it with friends before travelling to Puerto Vallarta on January 3 for a week's break. Trammell and Scott came with us, making a party of five. The apartment surprisingly included a maid and a cook, so we felt very pampered. I made a short video about the trip:

I arrived back in Melbourne on January 29th and was quite looking forward to getting back into Summer. Melbourne has notoriously changeable weather and the day I arrived we had storms. This is the hail collecting on my sister's car outside my parents' house:


Since then the weather has been pretty good, including being as hot as 41C (106F) last week. My family were pleased to see me and I have seen almost all my local relatives. I had dinner with my grandparents shortly after arriving; here they are at their kitchen table with my mother:


The Sunday after I arrived was Pride March here. Andrew and Keith, friends who run one of the gay papers here asked me to march with the group from their paper. Keith took a picture of me. We were near the start of the parade, behind some of the other sponsors and ahead of the Vic Bears.


I know it looks like I'm marching in the opposite direction to everyone else, but that's because I had to turn around to face Keith for the picture. The carnival at the end of the parade served to remind me how few guys I know in Melbourne, many fewer than in San Francisco, it seems.

I spent most of the rest of the weekend getting my house habitable again. By Sunday night I had all the services reconnected except for DSL which took a few more days, I had had a bed delivered and I had unpacked a few basic things from the storage locker.


I was surprised how little I remembered about where things were in the storage locker. Finding stuff was very hit-and-miss. I didn't want to get too much stuff out as I was planning to have the interior of the house painted the following week and also the carpet replaced.


I was at work Monday morning. The schedule isn't too taxing there: three and a half days of actual anaesthesia per week plus some other work. I was a little surprised that I was scheduled for cardiac as my first case, something I hadn't done for three years. It has all gone okay. This picture is from a neurosurgical case last Friday. I also haven't found my hair clippers, hence the bushy sideburns.


I have been missing Robert and Jay a lot and we have been on the phone three times a day or more as well as some webchatting once the DSL was connected.

I will be returning to the US from April 9 to 16 to help pack things up coincidentally visit Palm Springs on White Party weekend. Plans for Jay to come here are moving forward but will be slower because of the complexity of visa requirements.

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