Robert Returns and Saxon Arrives

At end of March Robert finished up work in LA and his long relationship with Southwest Airlines at last came to an end. He and Jay then had a couple of weeks to keep packing up the house and trying to sell off the last of the things we had in San Francisco. We packed up a bunch of little things and posted them and the rest went on Craigslist or to friends.


In Melbourne I had the house painted in preparation for letting the place again in a few months' time. I replaced the light fittings downstairs with more directional lights.


The blinds also needed replacing. The plane tree outside the front door needed to be cut down as it was damaging the path. This unfortunately reduces the shelter from the sun in Summer until the replacement tree grows, but it did mean better views of the sunset from upstairs.


I tried a few gyms in Melbourne, looking for somewhere nearby that was also reasonably equipped. I ended up settling on Fitness First in Richmond which is an acceptable gym in a good location. There are a few people there we know there, but it's not like Gold's SOMA.


I also went to visit some dog breeders in Australia. There was a Schnauzer show in Melbourne so I went along and meet a few people and their dogs. This is Linda Tyzack and Madisson who is the mother of the pup we finally got.


I returned to the US on April 9th to help with the packing and to give us a chance to say good bye to friends (one last time). We went to Palm Springs for White Party weekend. Jay's friend Brian came down to see us. The three of us are heading into Winter in Melbourne, so the warmth was appreciated.

We went to a couple of house parties (thanks Bradley and Mark) and then went to the Tea Dance on Sunday. We got to spend some time with Bruce and Billy, and see their renovations to their Palm Springs house (which looks great).


We finally concluded the farewells with a dinner at Don Ramon's. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it. Our time in San Francisco has been wonderful and it has been the people we met that have made it so.


In San Francisco, Jay moved out of the apartment in Natoma Street and is now waiting on his Australian visa approval. He was staying with Geoff and Sergio for a while, but has now taken a sub-let for a while. The delay is frustrating.


Robert got his licence to drive on the left side of the road. The Victorian authority was able to accept that he knew how to drive a car because of having a Californian license, but there was still a written test to do.

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His mother visited for ten days shortly after we got back to Australia. She stayed with us and it was the first time I had seen her in almost three years. She was also pleased to visit my parents and do some of the tourist things in and around Melbourne.


Our new puppy, Saxon, arrived in early May. We flew to Tasmania to pick him up. He's been with us two and a half weeks now and is starting to get the basic things a puppy has to learn. Robert has been home to look after him during the day but for a rest he has also been going to daycare sometimes which tires him out nicely.


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