Arrival in San Francisco

Here are a few pictures from the little digital camera from my first couple of days in San Francisco. It's been mostly cold and foggy, but today was warm and sunny so I felt less silly for having left some of my warm clothes in Melbourne.


This is the front of the house. It's on a very steeply sloped block and goes down two floors below what can be seen here. It's built from redwood on a concrete foundation.


This is the view from my bedroom window. The Golden Gate Bridge is just out of the picture to the left.


This is me waiting for the 33 bus to take me to the gym. The buses on the hilly routes are electric, supplied by wires above the street. Diesel ones would be very noisy and smokey on such steep hills.


This is me writing e-mail this evening. The kitchen is behind me. Note the Yankees T-shirt: I'm trying to assimilate.

More pics as they come to hand...

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